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不是神仙也能变身 画江山卡牌变身新玩法

Is not about being immortal nor can also transform into a landscape painting card turned new gameplay

2015-07-12 11:14:27来源: 17173

小时候看西游记最喜欢的就是孙悟空和二郎神的变身大战,羡慕那些神仙们都拥有那样强大的本领,千变玩法无所不能。Q萌浪漫回合制网游《画江山》创新卡牌变身新玩法即将开放,让玩家都拥有变身的神奇能力,就算不做神仙我们一样也可以变身,是不是觉得非常赞啊? 创新卡牌变身玩法 叱咤人仙妖三界 《画...

when look at the journey to the West's favorite is Sun Wukong and Erlang turned war, the envy of the gods have as powerful ability, change gameplay omnipotent. Meng Q romantic turn based online games "landscape painting" innovation card turned a new play is about to open, let the players have turned the power of magic, if not the gods do we like can also be turned, is not that very praise ah? The innovation of the card turned gameplay Chizha immortal demon realms "painting...