新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花千骨手游灵宠25级技能怎么学习


Let's spend thousands of bone hand travel spirit pet 25 skills how to learn

2015-07-11 14:07:43来源: 4399

Q:花千骨手游灵宠25级技能怎么学习? A:花千骨手游中,当角色到25级的时候,很多新手玩家可能找不到25级技能加点的方法,别担心小编来教教你吧。 1、点击界面中的仙术 2、进入仙术界面后点击上面的灵宠术 3、在这里可以看到目前拥有的灵宠,选择解锁就成功加点了。当然还可以再升级提...

Q: spend thousands of bone of hand travel spirit pet 25 skills of how to study? A: spend thousands of bones in the hands of the tour in, when the characters to level 25, many novice players may find 25 skills plus point method, don't worry Xiaobian to teach you. 1, click the interface Xianshu 2, after entering the theurgy interface click on the pet spirit of 3, here can see currently has the spirit of pet, select unlock successfully add a. Of course, you can also upgrade...

标签: 手游