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5V5即将来袭 《自由之战》点燃战斗之夏

5v5 is about to hit "fight for freedom" light combat summer

2015-07-11 12:10:34来源: 4399

这个夏天,自由之战最劲爆的消息终于来啦!让小编和各位同学翘首以待的5V5地图,官方正式宣布,将在月底进行更新!让我们用专业的制作精神来打败业余的5V5!真的掌上竞技!真正的MOBA! 《自由之战》自今年1月30日大规模内测开始,已将近半年。在这半年时间里,我们最大的幸运就是拥有了200...

this summer and fight for freedom the most awesome news at last! Let Xiaobian and fellow students waiting for the 5V5 map, officially announced, will be updated at the end of the month! Let us use the professional production of the spirit to beat amateur 5V5! Really palm sports! Real MOBA! "Fight for freedom" since January 30th this year, large-scale beta began, has been nearly half a year. During this half year, our greatest happiness is to have 200...