新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳头公告:经努力 已有92%的消极玩家改过自新

拳头公告:经努力 已有92%的消极玩家改过自新

Announcement of the fist: the effort has 92% negative internationally to turn over a new leaf

2015-07-11 11:45:06来源: 巴士LOL

对于玩家而言,网络游戏是一个可以畅所欲言的世界,所以很多人常常在游戏中随意攻击他人,甚至不顾及别人的感受。不过,在大部分人看来这是一种不文明的表现,无论年龄的大小或是哪个国籍,都不应该做出不当的举动。 日前,《英雄联盟》开发商Riot表示,鉴于此前游戏中常出现言语辱骂等行为,所以推出...

for the players, network game is a world can speak freely, so many people often in the game free to attack others, even in spite of and others feelings. However, in most people's opinion this is an uncivilized performance, regardless of age or nationality, should not make inappropriate behavior. A few days ago, "hero alliance" developer Riot said, in view of the game, often appear verbal abuse and other acts, so the introduction of...

标签: 玩家