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Man battle sky! 4399 "drunken swordsman" summer customized piece of information today debarkation

2015-07-11 10:32:05来源: 一游网

4399《醉武侠》暑期定制版今日全网首发,重磅仙游再登盛夏畅销榜!御剑飞行,羽化登仙两大颠覆性功能上线,助武神侠战长空!此外,天剑、祥云等数十种飞行道具同时登场,星空战场开放,新式空战掀江湖暗涌,云之彼端谁与争锋?话不多说,各位大侠立马亮剑暑假,约战蜀山云巅! 【新特技·全图飞行】 ...

4399 the Zui Wuxia summer customized version today the first, bestseller blockbuster Xianyou remount summer! Sword flight, on-line apotheosis two subversive function, help Wu Shenxia battle sky. In addition, sword in the sky, clouds, etc. dozens of flight props on stage at the same time, sky open battlefield, new air lift arena undercurrents, the other side of the cloud counterpoints? Say no more, you heroes flew sword summer, Yuezhan Shushan cloud top! [new stunts, map flight]...