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买我装备然后杀我 心疼我自己

When I buy equipment and then kill me love my

2015-07-11 16:47:54来源: 17173

文章 摘要 卖装备讲价的时候,买家不回你信息,你会杀了他吗? 楼主是再续前缘的,事情起因是这件60简易女头。 事情的大概经过是,我在建业问价15W买否,他说25W卖,我不想买就没回他消息,之后他又说来朱紫卖我,我到朱紫后交易他,他把装备买我了,然后强P我,把我杀了。

article abstract selling equipment to bargain, buyers do not return to your information, you will kill him? The building lord is another leading edge, the cause is this 60 simple female head. After things probably after is I in Eugene asked price 15W whether to buy, he said selling 25W, I don't want to buy hasn't been back to his message, he said to Zhuzi sell me, I to Zhuzi trade him, he put I buy the equipment, and strong P me, kill me.