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逃生挑战4第16关攻略 can you escape 4第十六关..

Escape challenge 4 16 off raiders can you escape the 16 off..

2015-07-11 15:51:25来源: 4399

今天木木为大家带来的是逃生挑战4第16关攻略,想知道can you escape 4第十六关怎么过吗?那就赶快和木木一起来看看吧! 1.左边的桌子上拿到一个调色板。 2.地毯上拿到一个打气筒。 3.到右边的柜子,用打气筒把足球打爆,可以得到一把钥匙。顺便记下墙上的四个图案。 4....

today wood for everyone to bring is escape challenge 4 16 off raiders, want to know, you can escape the 16 off how?? it quickly and wood together and see it! 1. On the left side of the table to get a palette. 2 get a pump on the carpet. 3 to the right side of the cabinet, with the pump the football hook, can be a key. And by the way, the four pattern on the wall. 4....