新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙武》新服好玩不累 四大活动送万元福利

《龙武》新服好玩不累 四大活动送万元福利

"Wulong" new service fun is not tired of the activities of four send million yuan welfare

2015-07-11 00:41:44来源: 多玩游戏

首款仙侠动作网游《龙武》新服“青雷”火爆开放中,全新服务器、全新挑战引发万人进驻狂潮!好玩不累的活动玩法,“痛感”十足的群战场面,还有海量福利派送,助你乐享夏日情! 《龙武》多玩夏日时装礼包:http://ka.duowan.com/17883.html 新服火爆 送百万福利 ...

first Xian Xia action games "Wulong" new clothes "blue thunder" irritable opening, the new server, new challenges triggered million people entered the frenzy! Full of fun not tired activity play, "pain" war scenes, as well as the massive welfare delivery, to help you enjoy the summer love! "Dragon" play summer fashion package: http://ka.duowan.com/17883.html hot new clothes to send millions of welfare...