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百人大战 驰骋在暴风雨之中——《敢达OL》大规模战

Hundred wars gallop in the storm -- the dare of OL "large-scale wars

2015-07-10 14:43:47来源: 多玩游戏

正版敢达机甲射击网游《机动战士敢达OL》,细心调校机体数值,亲手搭配出击编队,驾驶属于你的机动战士,踏上百人规模浩大战场,在擦身而过的米加粒子炮和火箭炮间,谱写你自己的钢铁传奇! 《机动战士敢达OL》拥有着独特的大规模作战模式,其亮点支持玩家进行最高52人vs52人的爽快战斗!超多的...

genuine dare of mecha shooting games" Gundam dare of OL ", carefully adjust the school body numerical, personally match attack formation, driving is your mobile suit, step scale of hundreds of people vast battlefield, in brush past the Mega Particle Cannon and rocket launchers, write your own legend of steel! The Gundam dare of OL "has a unique large-scale combat mode, the highlight support internationally refreshing battle vs52 highest 52 people! Ultra many...