新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《栀子花开2015》电影手游同期爆发 再掀青春热潮

《栀子花开2015》电影手游同期爆发 再掀青春热潮

"Gardenia open 2015" film travel over the same period the outbreak again lift youth craze

2015-07-10 10:38:46来源: 4399

04年青春毕业曲栀子花开一经上线就掀起无数传唱热潮,赢得了众多歌迷的一致好评!经过十年的延续,时至今日歌曲、手游、电影单方同期爆发,栀子花开2015手游与同名电影栀子花开携手上市,一起来看看吧! 【唱响青春毕业曲 引起同龄人共鸣】 《栀子花开》歌曲从04年上线以来就收到广大学生群体的...

04 youth graduation song Gardenia opened by the on-line set off numerous sung craze, won the praise of many fans. After ten years of continued, until today, music, travel, movie unilateral erupted contemporaneously, gardenia opened 2015 mobile games and the movie of the same name Gardenia open to join listed, together and see it! [sing the youth graduation song caused by resonance of the peers "Gardenia open" songs from 2004 since the line received the majority of students groups of...

标签: 手游 电影