新关注 > 信息聚合 > WiiU完全体?传任天堂新主机NX性能不如PS4


WiiU after all? Pass Nintendo's new console NX performance than Sina PS4

2015-07-10 11:13:17来源: 新浪

最近要说游戏界最神秘的设备,那要数老任下一代的主机NX了。岩田聪以“说得太早人家会抄袭”为由,拒绝透露任何细节。不过至少在机能上,我们可以知道它应该无法与PS4或Xbox One比较。 虽然不少人都盼着任天堂会突然“开窍”,推出一款机能上过得去的次世代主机。不过多个可靠的消息来源都已...

recently said game industry the most mysterious of equipment, it is up to a few old next generation host NX. Iwata So to "speak too early people will copy" on the grounds, refused to disclose any details. But at least on the function, we can know that it should not be compared with PS4 or One Xbox. Although many people are looking forward to Nintendo will suddenly "resuscitation", next generation consoles launched a function passable. But more than a reliable source of information...

标签: PS PS4 任天堂