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《守望先锋》为优化玩家体验 取消视距统一设置

"Watch pioneer" to optimize player experience cancel the horizon unified set of sina

2015-07-09 14:36:01来源: 新浪

对于《守望先锋》这样的第一人称团队射击游戏而言,一个合理舒适的视距体验能让玩家更好的融入到游戏当中,并且已经有众多玩家提出了关于“游戏视距”的相关问题与建议。国外媒体Pcgamesn就这一问题再次采访了暴雪相关工作人员。 而如今《守望先锋》在缺乏视距移动的问题上,突然来了一个180度的...

for "watch pioneer" of the first of such person team shooting game, a reasonable and comfortable visual range of experience can make players better into the game, and there have been many players to be presented with the related problems and suggestions about the line of sight of the game. Foreign media Pcgamesn on this issue once again interviewed Blizzard related staff. And now the "watch" in the lack of sight distance movement, suddenly came a 180 degree...

标签: 玩家 守望先锋