新关注 > 信息聚合 > “星爷”正版授权手游 《西游降魔篇3D》安卓开测

“星爷”正版授权手游 《西游降魔篇3D》安卓开测

"Yeh" genuine authorized tour the West fell monsters article 3D "Android open test

2015-07-09 12:40:17来源: 任玩堂

由“星爷”周星驰正版授权的卡牌手游《西游降魔篇3D》今日开启了安卓不删档内测,安卓设备的小伙伴们可以来试试看啦! 《西游降魔篇3D》深度还原了电影中的经典场景和各个粉丝们所熟知的桥段对白,还聘请了86版《西游记》的原班配音人马录制游戏内对白。而美术方面,游戏的美工由西山居著名武侠端游《...

authorized by the" Yeh "Stephen genuine hand travel card" journey to the west the fell monsters article 3D "opens today Android beta does not delete files, Android devices of small partners to try lah! "Journey to the west the fell monsters article 3D depth reduction the dialogue in the movie classic scene and all the fans are familiar with the plot, also hired a 86 version of" journey to the west "of the original class dubbed Sagittarius in-game dialogue recording. And art, the art of the game by the famous martial arts end of the west...

标签: 手游 安卓