新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说本周乱斗主题:召唤师峡谷


Hearthstone legend scuffle theme this week: Summon teacher Canyon

2015-07-09 11:08:04来源: 4399

本周炉石传说乱斗模式是和上周同,属于自由组牌,本周的乱斗条件非常有意思,每当你施放法术时会随机召唤一个相同费用的随从。不过这个模式下那些法术没啥用的英雄应该怎么混呢,估计本周乱斗模式80%都是直接点开法师就开始了吧。 本周乱斗主题:召唤师峡谷 大乱斗规则:选择一个职业,每当你施放法术...

this week Lushi legend melee mode is and last week at the same time, belongs to the free group, this week the scuffle conditions very interesting. Every time you cast spells will randomly spawn a similar fee's entourage. But this mode the spell didn't what heroes should be how to mix, it is estimated this week melee mode 80% are opened directly on the master began. This week all theme: Summoner Canyon Fuzion rules: choose an occupation, when you cast spells...

标签: 炉石传说