新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多元素结合的解谜游戏《谜之瓦》将于2016年发布


Puzzle game, combining elements of the mystery of the tile "will be in 2016 released

2015-07-08 15:14:26来源: 任玩堂

Once Upon A Tile 《迷之瓦》是一款由 Chestnut Games 开发的混合了冒险和回合制战斗的解谜游戏,将于 2016 年正式发布。 据悉,《谜之瓦》分为两种不同风格的玩法。其中一种是探索世界,玩家可以选择通过砖瓦去创造你的道路并提升等级。在这个阶段,迎接我们的将是...

Once upon a tile" fans of the tile "is a chestnut games by the development of mixed adventure and turn based combat puzzle game, in 2016 officially released. It is reported that the mystery of the tile is divided into two different styles of play. One is to explore the world, game player can choose the tiles to create your way and improve the level of. At this stage, we will meet...

标签: 游戏