新关注 > 信息聚合 > 被尘封的故事金条怎么得 金条的做法及作用

被尘封的故事金条怎么得 金条的做法及作用

Dust laden story bullion how bullion approach and the role of

2015-07-08 14:55:13来源: 4399

和铁棒比起来,金条在被尘封的故事中的作用可就没那么大了,那么金条要怎么做呢,下面就一起来详细了解一下金条的相关信息吧。 4399被尘封的故事官方交流群:171797703 欢迎广大玩家加入交流,分享你们的攻略心得! 所需材料:金矿、煤炭矿石 需要工具:熔炉 作用:制作金块以及长剑...

and iron bars than, the role of gold in the dust laden story can not so big, then gold bars to do, together below to find out in detail in gold bullion related information. 4399 covered the story of official exchange group: 171797703 welcome to join the game player exchange, share your experience! Materials needed: gold ore, coal tools: role: gold and sword making furnace...