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吴晓波“跨界”投资的企业 为何登华尔街日报头条

Wu Xiaobo cross-border investment enterprises why Deng wall street daily headlines

2015-07-08 14:45:20来源: 搜狐

著名财经作家、杭州豚鼠科技董事长兼投资人吴晓波 15年前,刚刚成立才1年的阿里巴巴及其创始人马云被美国《福布斯》杂志“发现”,马云由此成为第一个登上《福布斯》封面的中国企业家,一举成名;15年后,又一家创立不到1年的浙江企业被美国著名财经类媒体“发现”。 7月3日,《华尔街日报》...

financial famous writers, Hangzhou guinea pig technology chairman and investor Wu Xiaobo 15 years ago, has just set up to 1 year of Alibaba and its founder Jack Ma is the U. S. "Forbes" magazine "now", Ma thus become the first boarded the Forbes cover Chinese entrepreneurs, fame; 15 years later, another founded less than 1 year of Zhejiang enterprises is the United States well-known financial media "found." July 3rd, "the Wall Street Journal"...