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奥拉星决战五周年 最强全国联赛

Aura star battle five anniversary strongest national league

2015-07-08 12:42:41来源: 4399

奥拉星决战五周年最强全国联赛。以战之名,让战书飞!带上你的守护兽,发起战斗!来场强者间的较量吧!你是强者就来战吧! 活动开启时间:2015年7月10日 本文为本周五(7月10日)更新内容预告,具体攻略内容我们将在本周五第一时间为大家献上,届时记得来此处按Ctrl+F5刷新页面哦~

Aura star battle five anniversary of the strongest national league. To fight in the name, let fly at! Take your guard, and fight! Come to the fight between the strong! You are the strong man to fight! Open time: July 2015 10, this is this Friday (July 10) update notice, the specific content of the strategy we will for the first time on Friday we offer, then remember here, press Ctrl + F5 to refresh the page Oh ~