新关注 > 信息聚合 > 删档内测首发来袭 《斩魔无双》震撼降临

删档内测首发来袭 《斩魔无双》震撼降临

Delete files in online first struck the magic matchless cut "shock coming

2015-07-08 12:29:00来源: 4399

经典三国系列格斗手游巨作《斩魔无双》于7月8日首次开启安卓版收费删档内测。游戏以其高水准的制作技术、超精致的美术特效场景、高质量的动作打击体验得到了众多资深游戏媒体和玩家的青睐与关注。删档内测首发来袭,一起来看看吧! 为了回馈一直以来支持《斩魔无双》的各位忠实玩家,试期间所有充值数量将...

classic three series of fighting giant hand travel" cut the magic matchless "on July 8, first open Android version of the charges deleted file online. The game with its high level of production technology, ultra fine art special effects scene, the high quality of the action to combat experience has been a number of senior game media and players of all ages and concerns. Delete files in online first struck, together and see it! In order to feedback has been support "cut the magic matchless" all of our loyal players, during all the number of recharge will...