新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双摇杆射击游戏《软躯》新截图 静谧的音乐游戏

双摇杆射击游戏《软躯》新截图 静谧的音乐游戏

Dual stick shooter "soft footer" new screenshots quiet music game

2015-07-08 01:28:38来源: 逗游网

开发商Zeke Virant公布了双摇杆射击游戏《软躯(Soft Body)》一批最新的截图。作为一款追究简单主义的双摇杆射击游戏,本作还加入了一定的动作解谜成分,玩家需要同时用两个摇杆控制两个角色,一边躲避敌人,一边为这个世界上色。游戏的背景为音乐世界,容易让人沉迷。 游戏如其名,...

Zeke virant announced dual stick shooter "soft trunk (soft body), a group of the new screenshots. As a simple principle of dual stick shooter investigation, this work has also added a certain action puzzle elements, the player needs at the same time with two joystick control two characters, while avoiding enemies, while the world color. The background of the game for the music world, easy to let people indulge. As the name game,...

标签: 游戏