新关注 > 信息聚合 > [快讯] GGL S2邀请名单出炉!玉米 Fly ReMinD领衔

[快讯] GGL S2邀请名单出炉!玉米 Fly ReMinD领衔

[news] GGL S2 invitation list released. Corn fly remind headlining Rui

2015-07-08 00:10:25来源: 锐派游戏

这是一项不应该被湮灭的体育竞技项目,这是一款承载了无数80后90后记忆的游戏,现在GGL联赛启动啦,这不仅是选手展现自己的舞台,更是广大观众热爱关心魔兽的一种方式。还等什么!GGL等你来战;GGL等你来看! 这是一项不应该被湮灭的体育竞技项目,这是一款承载了无数80后90后记忆的游戏...

this is a should not be annihilation of sport, which is a carrying countless post-80s and post-90s memory game, now the GGL League start. This is not only the players to show their stage, but also a way to the majority of the audience who loves and cares for world of Warcraft. What's waiting for! GGL waiting for you to come to see you, GGL! This is a should not be annihilation of sports, this is a carrying countless 80 after 90 memory game...