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脑残粉的嚎叫 国产精品《雨血蜃楼》PS4版体验

Idiotic powder in the howling made boutique "rain blood mirage" PS4 experience Sina

2015-07-07 11:15:41来源: 新浪

国产原创动作游戏佳作《雨血:蜃楼》近日正式登陆PS4国服商店,这款在PC平台享负盛名的ACT精品游戏移植次世代主机的表现如何?新浪电玩频道特意请来了骨灰级脑残粉人气解说普利尼童鞋为大家介绍这款国产佳作。 关于《雨血:蜃楼》国行PS4版的图文评测可以看这里 新浪电玩还对游戏制作室灵...

domestic original action game masterpiece "rain blood: mirage" recently officially landed PS4 country clothes shops, this in the PC platform to enjoy the prestigious act fine game how to transplant the performance of next generation consoles? Sina video channel specially invited hardcore idiotic powder Pliny shoes popular commentary introduce the domestic masterpiece. About "rain blood:" China PS4 mirage graphic evaluation version of Sina video can be seen here but also on the game studio spirit...

标签: PS PS4