新关注 > 信息聚合 > ZIMON厦门论道:海外业务助攻 下半年或成关键

ZIMON厦门论道:海外业务助攻 下半年或成关键

ZIMON Xiamen argues: the overseas business assists in the second half or into key

2015-07-07 04:20:47来源: 电玩巴士


recently, innovative mobile games open platform ZIMON invited to attend sponsored by hand for the 2015 mobile game fine operation promotion tour Salon - Xiamen railway station, and delivered a keynote speech at the meeting. It is worth mentioning is that, in addition to in the salon introduces its refers to the operating status of Yisan brothers outside, ZIMON also and the presence of the guests shared many of the first exposure of the line data. According to ZIMON platform business director Li Yang revealed, ZI...