新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游新角色7月上线 虎头怪即将登场

梦幻西游手游新角色7月上线 虎头怪即将登场

Fantasy Westward Journey tour new role July on-line tiger strange is about to debut

2015-07-07 16:18:04来源: 科技讯

梦幻西游手游万众期待的新角色虎头怪即将登场与大家见面啦。据官方爆料称,虎头怪角色将于7月初放出测试,预测时间将会在下周三(7月8号)更新维护后开始测试。弱弱的问一下,舞天姬啥时候出来啊? 【科技讯】7月7日消息,梦幻西游手游万众期待的新角色虎头怪即将登场与大家见面啦。据官方爆料称,虎...

Fantasy Westward Journey tour peoples look forward to the new role of the tiger strange is about to debut to meet with you. According to official claimed that, tiger strange role will in early July release test, prediction time will in next Wednesday (July 8) update and maintain began testing. Weak weak ask, Dance Day Ji what time ah? [technology news] news, July 7, Fantasy Westward Journey tour's much anticipated new role tiger blame soon is taken to the threshing ground to meet with you anymore. According to official sources, the tiger...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游