新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三国来了》首次卡牌电竞赛曹安娜胜出 10万玩家..

《三国来了》首次卡牌电竞赛曹安娜胜出 10万玩家..

"Three Kingdoms" to the first card card electric race Cao Anna win 10 million players..

2015-07-06 22:28:07来源: 不凡游戏网

7月3日晚8点,《三国来了》女神电竞训练营决赛正式在游戏多《游戏V龙》进行直播。进入决赛的4位电竞女神经过近1小时的策略、技术比拼,决出了最终名次。人气主持曹安娜26:4大比分完胜桃宝,成功夺得女神电竞训练营冠军宝座。据悉,近10万网友观看了当日的女神电竞训练营决赛。 组内初选4女神...

7 month 3 days late at 8, "the three countries to the" goddess of gaming camp finals officially in the game the game V dragon "live. The final 4 gaming goddess after nearly 1 hours of the strategy, technology competition, decide the final ranking. Popular host Cao Anna 26:4 score big win over peach treasure, won the goddess gaming champion training camp. It is reported that, nearly 100000 users watched the final training camp goddess gaming. Group within the 4 goddess...

标签: 玩家 电竞