新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦三国2》中不同一般的英雄设定


The dream of the Three Kingdoms 2 different general heroes set

2015-07-06 21:14:44来源: 爱拍游戏

作为一款以三国为背景的竞技游戏,《梦三国2》的背景故事并不完全照搬三国,而是利用丰富的想象力,将人神魔这样的玄幻设定与三国结合在一起。自然,三国英雄们在这样的大背景下,也将会有很多颠覆以往的设定,今天,咱们就来一起看下。 卞玉儿 历史上的卞玉儿乃是曹操的妻子,同时也是曹丕、曹彰、...

as a to the Three Kingdoms as the background of the athletics game, the dream of the Three Kingdoms 2 "the background of the story does not completely copy the Three Kingdoms, but the use of rich imagination, the people Shenmo such fantasy set in conjunction with the Three Kingdoms. Naturally, the three heroes in such a big background, there will be a lot of subversion in the past, today, we will come together to see. Bian Yuer in the history of Cao Cao is Bian Yuer's wife, but also Cao Pi, Cao Zhang,...