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今日14时《斗仙》黄金公测 新服加开

Today 14 when the bucket Xian "gold beta additional new service Sina

2015-07-06 16:51:05来源: 新浪

今日14时,3D战斗网游《斗仙》黄金公测隆重开启啦!闪亮亮金灿灿的黄金饰品等你来拿!同时《斗仙》加开新服“刀光剑影”,更有游戏内黄金宝箱等你来开! 刀锋冷,剑意寒,洪荒战事几时休?《斗仙》黄金公测携新服“刀光剑影”等你来战! 【黄金公测火热来袭 黄金武器独家定制】 今日14时...

of today, 14, 3D fighting game" fight the immortal "gold beta grand opening!! Shiny golden gold jewelry for you to take! At the same time, "Dou Xian" add a new service ", more games in the glint and flash of cold steel" gold treasure waiting for you to open! The blade of cold, cold war when the sword of meaning, Sue? "Dou Xian" gold articles "beta new service, waiting for you to fight the glint and flash of cold steel"! Gold [beta fiery struck gold weapons] exclusive custom today 14...