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《光荣使命OL》表演赛WCA闪亮登场 天禄1:2不敌龙焱

"Glorious mission ol" exhibition WCA shining debut Tianlu 1:2 not enemy Long Yan

2015-07-06 12:28:25来源: 电玩巴士

WCA2015中国区资格赛7月3日—7月5日在上海东亚展览馆火爆开赛,其中新晋项目《光荣使命OL》的登场引起了特别瞩目。组委会特别邀请了国内两大知名战队,曾经的电竞豪门“天禄”与国内强者“龙焱”同场PK。最终“天禄”1:2不敌“龙焱”,遭后者碾压。 开局双方在航空母舰地图中进行对战,...

WCA2015 qualification of China match July 3 - July 5 in Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall hot start, which new Jin project "glorious mission ol" debut caused special attention. Organizing committee invited the two well-known domestic team, once the gaming giants "Tianlu" with the strong "Long Yan" PK in the same field. The final "Tianlu" 1:2 not enemy "Long Yan", the latter being rolled. Start to the war in the aircraft carrier map,...