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《天天炫舞》联手金鹰卡通 试水手游营销新路径

Recently the day dancer "teamed up with Golden Eagle cartoon tour to test the waters marketing a new path

2015-07-06 12:14:48来源: TechWeb

近日,由中国手游行业新贵英雄互娱出品的3D音舞手游《天天炫舞》与湖南卫视金鹰卡通达成一系列深入合作。其中,在即将播出的重磅综艺节目《中国新声代》中,双方将尝试诸多创新性的合作方式,吸引广大受众参与互动。 《中国新声代》是金鹰卡通重金打造的大型青少年音乐类综艺节目,精良的制作和强大的明星...

, by the China travel industry upstart hero mutual entertainment produced the 3D sound Dance Tour the day dancer" reached a series of in-depth cooperation with Hunan Satellite TV Golden Eagle cartoon. Among them, in the upcoming blockbuster variety show "China's new generation". Both sides will try to many innovative ways of cooperation, attract a wide audience participation in the interaction. "The new generation of Chinese" is the Golden Eagle cartoon heavily to build large-scale Youth Music variety show, the production of sophisticated and powerful star...

标签: 手游