新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4款手游、大电影加动画……龙之谷IP过度消费?


4 hand travel, big movie plus animation...... Dragon Valley IP over consumption?

2015-07-06 12:14:48来源: 17173

近年来,IP(知识产权)越来越为游戏业重视,端游IP的衍生品(手游、影视剧等)亦不断诞生。但由于IP成长周期漫长,不少开发者对于旗下知名IP的使用依然是保持慎重。 日前,《龙之谷》IP突然推出4款手游,并同时制作动画和大电影。这不免让一些玩家疑惑,项目组这样“疯狂”将迅速消耗光IP价...

in recent years, IP (intellectual property) more and more attention to the game industry, the end of the tour IP derivatives (hand travel, film and television drama, etc.) are also being born. However, due to the long IP growth cycle, many developers for the use of IP is still a well-known use is still cautious. A few days ago, the Dragon Valley IP suddenly launched 4 hand travel, and at the same time to produce animation and big movie. This can not help but let some players doubt, the project team so crazy will quickly consume the IP price...