新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA2015中国区资格赛弱鸡VS衣锦夜行


WCA2015 qualification China match weak chicken vs Sina deja vu

2015-07-05 19:39:42来源: 新浪

WCA2015中国区资格赛职业组7月4日迎来了《炉石传说》的决赛,对阵的双方是被称为炉石颜值最高的二位——NB的弱鸡和WE的衣锦夜行。衣锦夜行作为一个年轻的小将需要一个冠军来证明自己,而弱鸡的实力广大炉石粉丝也是有目共睹的,他们的决赛一触即发,究竟会摩擦出什么样的火花呢? 晋级关系图 ...

WCA2015 China qualifying professional group July 4, welcomed the hearthstone, final, against the sides is called hearthstone Yan value the highest two - NB weak chicken and W-E of deja vu. Deja vu as a young teenager need a champion to prove himself, and weak chicken strength our hearthstone fans is obvious. Their final looming, what will the friction out what kind of spark? Promotion diagram...