新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪物猎人边境G》繁体中文版公测时间确定


"Monster Hunter Frontier g" traditional Chinese version beta time determined

2015-07-06 12:44:10来源: 电玩巴士

Sony Computer Entertainment Taiwan(SCET) 今日宣布PS Vita《怪物猎人边境G》将于7月24日(五) 正式进行OBT公测,同步推出PS Vita实体版与PS Vita 主机同捆组,建议售价分别为新台币999元以及6480元。即日起可于全台Play...

Sony the Computer Entertainment Taiwan (SCET) today announced the PS Vita "Monster Hunter Frontier g" will be on July 24, (5) formal obt beta, the simultaneous launch of PS Vita entity with the version of the PS Vita host bundle group, suggested retail price respectively for NT $999 and 6480 yuan. With immediate effect on the whole Play...

标签: 怪物猎人