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梦幻西游手游另类PK战术 非主流干扰之术推荐

Fantasy Westward Journey tour alternative PK tactics non mainstream interference recommendation

2015-07-04 15:06:02来源: 4399

在梦幻西游手游中,战斗不仅仅是一门实力与实力的比拼,更是智慧与智慧的对垒,所以在游戏同时,若是加入一些干扰之术,也是非常不错的选择。今天4399挽歌就为大家介绍几种干扰术,也许在战斗中会给你的对手一些意想不到的“惊喜”。 【妥善利用节日道具】 最近《梦幻西游》手游中推出的“一路相随感...

in Fantasy Westward Journey, tour, the battle is not just a strength and the strength of the competition, is wisdom and the wisdom of the pitted against each other, so in the game at the same time, if join some interference techniques, is also not wrong choice. Today 4399 elegy is for everyone to introduce several interference technique, perhaps in the battle will give your opponent some unexpected surprises. [] the proper use of festival props recently launched "Fantasy Westward Journey" Mobile Games in "one way"...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游