新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数据胜于雄辩 PC游戏的销量依然很客观

数据胜于雄辩 PC游戏的销量依然很客观

Data speak louder than words PC game sales are still very objective

2015-07-04 01:14:30来源: 新浪

虽然我国人民习惯用PC玩游戏,但放眼世界范围,PC游戏平台已经在最近几年间逐渐被忽视,最近一次《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士》的PC版大漏洞就是表现之一。所以许多人都认为PC游戏平台已经没落了,虽然有许多人极力辩,PC游戏平台依然欣欣向荣,但多少言辞都是苍白的, 因为我们没有数据。实体版销量永远都...

although Chinese people accustomed to using PC to play the game, but the whole world scope, PC gaming platform has in recent years gradually neglected recently a Batman: Arkham knight, "the PC version of the great vulnerability is now one of. So many people think that PC gaming platform has been declining, although there are many people tried to argue, PC gaming platform is still thriving, but how many words are pale, because we do not have data. Entity edition sales will always be...

标签: 游戏 PC