新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如此温情的世界末日?《万众狂欢》音乐视频出炉


End of the world? The peoples Carnival "music video released

2015-07-04 19:19:17来源: 逗游网

虽然PS4独占游戏《万众狂欢》在不久后就要发售了,但不得不说,我们对于这款游戏的了解并不多。而刚刚出炉的《万众狂欢》音乐介绍又让我们不禁疑惑起来,这种温情的感觉是一款世界末日主题的游戏该有的吗?让我们听听主创是怎么考虑的吧。 “《万众狂欢》的主旨是向玩家展示在不寻常的条件下的寻常人。...

although PS4 exclusive game" peoples Carnival "in shortly after going on sale, but have to say, we know about this game is not much. And has just released the "peoples Carnival" to introduce the music and let us can't help but wonder, the warmth of feeling is a the end of the world the theme of the game some? Let us listen to the creative is how to consider. "The theme is" Carnival "to show the game player in unusual conditions of ordinary people. ...

标签: 视频