新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏界惊现私人承包制?《魔域》玩家玩转定制服


The game industry discovered private contract? "Demon" game player set uniform

2015-07-03 23:52:16来源: 多玩游戏

再也不用抱怨猪一般的队友!再也不用被菜鸟路人虐的死去活来!再也不用看商人广告漫天飞舞! 《魔域》今日传出消息,一个属于精英玩家自己做主的服务器将于7月16日开启,并且在今日启动认证机制。这不是私服,而是《魔域》官方特别为YY8093频道至尊股东打造的一台只属于高端玩家的官方服务器,只...

never complain teammate pig! No longer was the rookie passers-by child half alive! No longer do not look at the merchant advertising all over the sky! "Demon" today news, a belongs to the elite players decide for themselves the server will open on July 16, and today start authentication mechanism. This is not a private servers, but "demon" official especially for a build supreme shareholder of the channel YY8093 belong to high-end players of the official servers only...

标签: 游戏 玩家