新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迈向塔巅 起点游戏《傲世九重天》闯关紫霄塔

迈向塔巅 起点游戏《傲世九重天》闯关紫霄塔

Towards the starting point of the tower top game "fate of the heavens" checkpoints Zixiao tower

2015-07-03 21:50:34来源: 游久网

《傲世九重天》的故事,想必关注风凌天下的人都已经读过这部小说了,在起点中文网连载的那些年里,有多少人会幻想成为《傲世九重天》的男主角楚阳,叱咤九重天阙。而在根据同名小说改编的游戏中,紫霄塔,大概是人气较高的地图了,那么今天我们就来看看紫霄塔闯关吧! 【紫霄塔奇遇】第一章:初入 起点《...

"FOD nine weight day tour" story, presumably concern wind Ling in the world have already read the novel the, serialized in start Chinese net of those years, there are many people dream of becoming the Ao Shijiu heavy day "actor Chu Yang, shook the heavens que. And in accordance with the adaptation of the novel of the same name in the game, Zixiao tower, presumably high popularity of the map, so today we are going to see Zixiao tower checkpoints. [] the first chapter: Purple tower adventure entering the starting point "...

标签: 游戏