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《战舰世界》今日删档测试 新宣传视频曝光

"World of Warcraft" today delete files test new promotional video exposure

2015-07-03 18:37:09来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月3日消息,《战舰世界》今日18时开启删档测试,玩家可连续三个周末进行游戏体验,达到指定条件还将获得珍惜二测资格。此次测试时二测的一次前瞻性测试,旨在为玩家发放测试资格和战备资金。 作为一次连续性的阶段测试,《战舰世界》共分为三个时间段开服,分别为7月3日18:00-7月...

Sina game news July 3 news, "world of Warcraft" today 18 open and delete files in the test, the player can be three consecutive weekend gaming experience, reaches the specified conditions will also receive a treasure of the second test qualification. A prospective test this test two test, in order to release the test qualifications and readiness funds for game player. As a test of the continuity of the "world of Warcraft" is divided into three time periods, respectively, in July 3rd 18:00-7 months...

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