新关注 > 信息聚合 > lol周免英雄查询 7月3日更换本周免费英雄

lol周免英雄查询 7月3日更换本周免费英雄

Lol week free hero query July 3, replacing this week family of free hero

2015-07-02 17:33:31来源: 站长之家

亲爱的召唤师们,明天又到了每周更换免费英雄的日子,上周的艾克如何,相信大伙已经尝试过了这家伙的威力!让我们看看本周LOL周免都有哪些英雄可以免费使用吧! 我们将在7月3日10点左右更换每周免费英雄啦。 下面为大家介绍下新一周的免费英雄—— 除此之外,还有盖伦、寒冰、瑞兹三个英雄是L...

dear summoners, tomorrow is the weekly change heroes free days, last week's Ike, believe everyone has tried the power of this guy! Let's look at this week's LOL week free of which heroes can use it for free! We'll change the weekly free hero at around 10 in July 3rd. Below we introduce a new week free hero -- in addition and Galen, and ice, and raze three heroes is L...

标签: LOL