新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩服《TERA》出新职业 性感尤物女拳师亮相

韩服《TERA》出新职业 性感尤物女拳师亮相

Hanbok Tera out new career sexy stunner Girlfight debut

2015-07-02 14:32:15来源: 178游戏网

近日,韩服《TERA》放出了新职业的预告,这也是游戏中的第11个职业。 从预告中来看,该职业类似其他游戏中的拳师,以近身缠斗为主,可能是轻甲型职业。她的手上有类似魔导机械的拳套装置,并以此对敌人进行各种华丽连击。 关于TERA 《TERA》是一款由韩国游戏公司Bluehole...

recently, hanbok Tera released a notice of a new career, this is the game of the 11 career. Notice from the point of view, the occupation is similar to other games in the boxer, with a close fight, may be a light occupation. Her fist hand. Similar mechanical device, and carries out a variety of gorgeous combo on the enemy. About TERA TERA is a South Korean game company Bluehole...