新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷亚CAPCOM携手 推大型电玩版《Cytus Ω》

雷亚CAPCOM携手 推大型电玩版《Cytus Ω》

Rhea Capcom together push the arcade version of the Cytus Omega "

2015-07-02 12:30:35来源: 天极网

在今年2月份于日本大型电玩展览 JAPAN AMUSEMENT EXPO 2015中,首度曝光的台湾雷亚(Rayark)游戏与日本 CAPCOM 合作开发的《Cytus》改编大型电玩机台版本《Cytus Ω》,于今日正式翻新日文官方网站,并且宣布在 7 月 11 / 12 日在日本举办首...

in February 2015 to Japanese arcade exhibition Japan AMUSEMENT Expo, the first exposure of Taiwan Rhea (rayark) game and Japan Capcom to cooperate in the development of the Cytus" adapted arcade machine version of the Cytus Omega ", today officially refurbished official Japanese website, and announced in the July 11 / 12 in Japan held the first...

标签: PC