新关注 > 信息聚合 > 街头飙车堪比007 《神秘海域4》15分钟演示视频

街头飙车堪比007 《神秘海域4》15分钟演示视频

Street Racing comparable to 007 "mysterious waters," 15 minute demo video

2015-07-02 11:53:56来源: 新浪

顽皮狗在今天凌晨放出了《神秘海域4》E3的完整演示视频,包含了发布会上公开的片段以及在E3现场进行展示的后续片段,总共15分钟,相信能让神海粉们看过瘾。 在长达15分钟的演示中顽皮狗继续向玩家展示本作出色的物理碰撞效果、动态天气系统以及丰富的人物关系,秀雨滴、云雾已经OUT了,现在顽...

naughty dog in the morning released uncharted 4 E3 demo video, contains fragments exposed on the conference and at the scene of the E3 to display the subsequent fragments, a total of 15 minutes, believe can let God of the sea fans see the fun. In up to 15 minutes of presentation in naughty dog to players to show the excellent physical collision effect, dynamic weather system and rich characters, show the raindrops, cloud has out the now stubborn...

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