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Fans finishing burning: for the nostalgia of the memorial

2015-07-02 14:25:48来源: 游久网

职业早期 早期b神效力过的三个战队:出道tti战队、流星7l战队、出露锋芒ch战队 个人接触dota较晚,印象最深的就是某次g联赛上,ch战队的大胡子(burning)近卫优势路术士solo完压鱼人带队的双晕组合(妮solo这么叼家里人知道吗) 二、后母时期 后母时期的b神...

career early early B God played for three teams: debut TTI corps, meteor 71 teams, exposed edge ch clan personal contact dota late, the deepest impression is a G League, ch clan beard (burning) guards advantage warlock solo after pressure Murloc headed double halo combination (Ni solo so Diao family know? Second, stepmother stepmother period B God...