新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天空之城》即将开测 成就你的仙侠梦

《天空之城》即将开测 成就你的仙侠梦

"City of the sky" is about to open test achievement you Xian Xia dream

2015-07-02 10:08:05来源: 多玩游戏

以身渡劫飞升成仙,是无数修真者长久以来的梦想。在即将开启不删档测试的IMAX级3D变身动作网游《天空之城》中,玩家们虽已拜入修真门派,但依旧同突破修为成就大道的境界相差甚远。其实圆自己的仙侠梦其实很简单,各位玩家且听小编慢慢道来! 【天材地宝 德者居之】 战斗法宝能够让玩家获得变...

profess du to rob soaring into the immortal is numerous comprehension has long been the dream. In the soon to open test does not delete files IMAX 3D action games "castle in the sky turned", players although worship into comprehension of the martial art, but still with break to fix for achievement Avenue state difference very far. In fact, the dream of a round of their own fairy - man dream is very simple, you players and listen to a small series of slowly! [day material treasure Germany to occupy] battle can let game player get a magic weapon...