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LOL新版本明日更新 时间刺客再次削弱

Lol new version update tomorrow assassin time weakens again

2015-07-01 19:24:54来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】7月1日消息,LOL国服将于2015年7月2日5点-12点进行全区停机版本更新,这次更新引出了全新打野附魔—符文阔剑,强化了法系打野英雄的地位,同时对防御系天赋做出了一些改动。然后就是对新推出的英雄时间刺客艾克再一次动刀,进行了削弱。一起来看看详细内容吧! 游戏系统调整 ...

[technology news] news on July 1, lol service will be in July 2015 2, 5 - 12 points for the region down version of the update, the update leads to the new play wild enchantment - Rune glaive, strengthening the law status of wild hero. At the same time, the Department of defense talent made some changes. Then is the launch of the new hero time again Aike assassin knife, were weakened. Take a look at the details of the game system adjustment...

标签: LOL