新关注 > 信息聚合 > cf酷夏来袭夏季战场 新兵老兵参与领奖励

cf酷夏来袭夏季战场 新兵老兵参与领奖励

CF summer hit summer recruits battlefield veterans participated collar award

2015-07-01 19:04:08来源: 电玩巴士

cf酷夏来袭夏季战场开启,新老玩家都能参与其中领取不同的任务奖励,下面就让巴士小编为大家带来活动详情吧! : CF活动 活动时间:6月12日-7月12日 活动地址:http://youxi.vip.qq.com/act/201506/pc_cflxhl_lb.html?_wv=...

cf summer hit summer open battlefield in the, both old and new players can participate in which receive different reward task, let bus Xiaobian for everyone to bring the details of the event! Time: CF activity time: June 12th -7 month 12, activity address: _wv=? Http://youxi.vip.qq.com/act/201506/pc_cflxhl_lb.html...

标签: CF