新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者手游二测即将开启 尽请期待7月中旬

火影忍者手游二测即将开启 尽请期待7月中旬

Hand travel two is about to open the test to open as far as possible, please look forward to the middle of July

2015-07-01 17:08:37来源: 4399

问:腾讯火影忍者手游二测什么时候开?到底有没有任何靠谱的信息呢? 答:目前还不得而知,不过绝对是7月中旬,因为一大波学生的火影迷会出现,腾讯会放弃他们吗?答案是不会,一起期待7月中旬吧。 自从腾讯大大获得火影忍者这个正版IP以后,已经开始对火影忍者衍生蠢蠢欲动。而且3个月以前有进行过...

Q: Tencent QQ hand travel two measured when? In the end there is no reliable information? Answer: is still unknown, but this is the absolute in mid July, because Naruto fans a wavelet students, Tencent will abandon them?? The answer is no, we look forward to the middle of July. Since the Tencent greatly Naruto genuine IP, has begun to ready to Naruto derivative. And 3 months ago...

标签: 手游