新关注 > 信息聚合 > 能动员女朋友一起陪玩的游戏 《仙变2》当然有话说

能动员女朋友一起陪玩的游戏 《仙变2》当然有话说

Can mobilize girlfriend together to accompany the game "immortal variable 2, of course, there is a saying:

2015-07-01 15:37:04来源: 不凡游戏网

经常听到身边的女生抱怨“我男朋友下了班就知道玩游戏,回到家连看我一眼都不看”“对啊,我穿了新买的衣服问他好不好看,头也不抬就敷衍我”。这样的抱怨相信有很多女生都有共鸣,不单单是女孩子,男生玩家也是深有感触。 不过小编除了同情之外,还是想说,难道游戏和女友就真的不能共存吗?男朋友陪着姑...

often hear girls around to complain about" my boyfriend a class knew playing games, even look me in the eye not to see "" Yeah, I wore to buy new clothes asked him whether it is good to look at home, head also does not carry on elaborate me ". Such complaints believe that there are a lot of girls have empathy, not just a girl, the boy is also a deep feeling of players. But in addition to the small series of sympathy, or to say, can not play games and his girlfriend really can not coexist with the girl...

标签: 游戏