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天神之战打响 《神将录》线上对决火热七月

God of war started the God book online duel hot July

2015-07-01 12:03:22来源: 07073游戏网

天神怒吼,王者对决,由盛讯游戏重金打造的中国首款神话战棋卡牌桌游《神将录》,线上版首次最大规模线上对决——“天神之战”今日正式打响。经过玩家们半个多月的激烈对决,目前,《神将录》6月份集换双人模式前16强已出,第一场比赛也将于7月1日晚上20:00准时开战。 玩家可登录《神将录》官网...

God roar, the duel of the king, by Sheng Xun game heavily to build China's first myth war chess card card game "was recorded in God", online version for the first time the biggest online scale duel - the "God of war" today officially started. After the players more than half a month of intense duel, at present, "God will record" in June set for double mode before 16 have been, first game will also on July 1st at 20:00 on war. Game player can log on "God" on official website...