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奴隶战克星 炉石传说特色奥秘骑卡组分享

Slave war nemesis hearthstone legend characteristics mystery ride card group share

2015-07-01 10:09:01来源: 4399

在炉石传说中,月底上传说就要求一个快字,如果你想针对打脸猎,机械法,动物园和摸腿骑,那么这套牌是你的最佳选择。 【套牌介绍】 套牌以奥秘为主,配合各种圣盾随从来到一换多 的局面,而这种多换一都来自于对手主动来解你的随从,而你就可以放心大胆的打对手的脸。不过我看到这个牌表的时候,觉得奥...

in legend of furnace slag. At the end of the legend requires a quick word, if you want to face slapping hunting, mechanical method, zoo and touched the leg riding, then the deck is the best choice for you. [deck] deck with mystery, with all the Holy Shield followers came to change the situation, and the change from to rival the initiative to solve your entourage, and you can rest assured that bold opponent's face. But when I saw this card, I thought I was...

标签: 炉石传说